Never have we all experienced a state of fear, uncertainty and this in our lives. Every video and image forward today in the social media is only about Corona. The COVID-19.
I am no exception to this premonition of an impending catastrophe... but I am trying to remain calm by reassuring myself that all will be well. And telling myself that it has never happened before and it will never happen to me and us. But soon I see another message or a visual of the enormity of this PANDEMIC and I shrink and cringe in some untold fear. Will I survive this? Will I outlive this? I am a diabetic and am also hypertensive and have also crossed 62. In all other cases and clauses I won't qualify for I have no cough. I wash my hands everytime I pass by a tap ( My niece Chandra had taught me from school). I stay at home most times even before this spread and now more so. I love and eat home-cooked Brahmin food. Yet I am worried sick.
All my standing invitations to my cousins and inlaws and some friends stand cancelled. Am now a forced recluse. My morning newspaper I read with gloves. I wash my resistance bands while gymming to be doubly sure ( not being clear about sweat being a carrier ). I have begun my parishshanam for once in my post poonal life before I eat. I ensure distances are maintained even more than prescribed social barriers. I sleep in the living room all by myself. My wife is delighted though. I brush my teeth and bathe twice a day and also at will when in doubt. No Swiggys. No Amazon online orders. No other Big Bazaar deliveries without a complete alcohol sanitisation.
I have also abandoned my search ( done till last week ) for a new flat. Even if I resume I will not opt for amenities like Swimming pools and Community halls and Aerobic rooms in the projects.
But there is hope now because I chant all the mantras I know and I have added to the list the several forwards I have recieved. I am these few days clad in a dhothi and Kurta...all neat and fresh and clean like a newly bloomed lily with all that dew of fear bottled within...chanting away to glory. The Gods will soon stand appeased.
Corona has divided us but has chastened us beyond measure. The one indulgence and the only evening pastime I had thought was perennial has also now been withdrawn ...thanks to the new govt. order this morning closing all Liquor shops that sold the decent life-saving beverage to some of us.
Is this not hastening the chastening of humanity ...?
Take good care all of you... dear socially distanced but not ostracised friends /relatives ....and follow my footsteps. Meditate. In silence.
Will meet at the Mantri Mall on April 1st 2020.
So long till then...
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