Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Trust me, babe...!!!

Dec 1998

As I flounder in an abstract air of uncertainty
with a load weighing heavily now in me
seeking just one possible escape route…

.. the wicked mind whizzes past a million
incoherent sequences that bring chaos and controversy
encompassing myriad patterns of eventualities;

Shaken terribly by the supposed aftermath
of this unintended mental exercise, I cease to react …
as your frail form quietly drifts into my mind’s vision.

You have borne me and my follies dear...
no not any less than my mother did;
jointly we’ve waded thru clear and troubled waters this far…

And now when time like speeding stations from an express train
leaves behind a horde of events so mixed …
with you darling a decent destination we’ll soon find.

Trust me !

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